Benedetta CrippaReview: Why Graphic Culture MattersDesign researcher Noemi Biasetton and graphic designer Benedetta Crippa discuss the book “Why Graphic Culture Matters” by Rick Poynor and…Sep 16, 202436Sep 16, 202436
David NemerEmoji e o "Blackface" DigitalOs emojis fazem parte do Unicode, um vasto e importante padrão usado em quase todos os sistemas de computação. Unicode é o que garante que…Feb 10, 202029Feb 10, 202029
InUX Collective 🇧🇷byJaíne CintraChá de revelação: O Figma 9 meses depois da gestação da AdobeUma crônica sincera sobre a comunidade de Design, ferramentas e abandono em tempos difíceis.Jul 10, 202382Jul 10, 202382
InUX Collective 🇧🇷byJaíne CintraBotão Skip Intro — quatro anos de mais um sucateamento no designComo a Netflix usou nossa ansiedade para arruinar o trabalho dos motion graphic designers.Nov 15, 202145Nov 15, 202145
InThe Millennial Dialogue ProjectbyAudienceNetHow would you sum up the UK Election in the next 7 days using emojis?During the Question Time Leaders debate last week we had a group of Millennials live chat and comment on what they heard and saw.May 6, 201552May 6, 201552
InType ThursdaybyThomas JockinGender Legibility in EmojiAn Interview with Type Designer and Emoji Evangelist Paul HuntOct 22, 201620Oct 22, 201620
InMagentabyJohn BrownleeMeet the Designer Diversifying EmojiOn a crusade to make emoji more inclusive, Yiying Lu brings optimism, kindness, and a belief in karma to her creative process.Apr 9, 2019282Apr 9, 2019282
Background Noise Comics“Speechless”On how to express outrage on World Emoji Day . . .Jul 18, 2018125Jul 18, 2018125
Tyler SchnoebelenEmojiDay 2018: The politics of emojiIt’s World Emoji Day! 📆 People will tell you that they are ruining language or that it’s becoming a new universal language. Both of these…Jul 17, 201849Jul 17, 201849
InClyde GroupbySerena GleklenEmojis transcend vocabulary barriers and tap into the universality of languageEmojis are ubiquitous — not only in today’s digital culture but in pop culture, professional conversations, and even political discourse…Jul 18, 201960Jul 18, 201960
Inés YábarChina: censura de emojisEn China, Xi Jinping es presidente sin límite de número de periodos al mando. Ahora que esa noticia se ha disipado, la política China…Apr 24, 2018Apr 24, 2018
InTDS ArchivebySolomon MessingThe “Haha Ratio”: Learning from Facebook’s Emoji Reactions to Predict Persuasion Effects of…Do messages criticizing Donald Trump’s performance on Covid-19 reduce his support among swing voters? What if the message comes from a…Dec 14, 2020192Dec 14, 2020192
HillarymojiEmoji: The next frontier of political activism?Today we’re launching Hillarymoji, an emoji keyboard app featuring none other than the presumptive Democratic nominee herself. It’s part…Jun 30, 20165Jun 30, 20165
InUX CollectivebyBrinda Koushik | Copywriter | Mom | Avid ReaderThe Emoji journey: From self-expression tool to multi-million dollar businessEmojis, memojis, avatars. Here’s how they evolved and still make millions to their creators.Dec 17, 20241.3K23Dec 17, 20241.3K23
eduardo souzaO designer enquanto autor (1996)O texto a seguir é uma tradução livre que fiz de um ensaio de Michael Rock para a revista Eye, cuja versão original também pode ser lida…Jan 31, 202167Jan 31, 202167
InDesign CentrobyMarina Meireles“Como seria escolher uma música e ela ser a mesma que o algoritmo vai tocar?” — Madyana TorresSenior Product Designer no Spotify, Madyana atua na divisão de Home Consumer Electronics. Ela contou um pouco sobre os desafios de projetarJul 28, 202116Jul 28, 202116
InThe StartupbySam LeachThe Most Prolific Composer You Have Never Heard Of — Yann Tomita, and the DoopeesA biography on the life and works of esteemed steelpan and artpop musician, Yann Tomita.Feb 25, 2020194Feb 25, 2020194
InPRISMOJIbyHamdan AzharThe top emojis of Election Day 2016Emoji data science applied to 2 million tweetsNov 25, 20162633Nov 25, 20162633